Tag: driving rules

Learn Driving Car By Video

The Importance of Lane Markings in Traffic Safety

In the United States, lane markings play a critical role in guiding drivers and ensuring road safety. Understanding the significance of lane markings, including white and yellow lines, is essential for motorists to navigate effectively and prevent accidents. Let’s explore the importance of lane markings and how they contribute to traffic safety on US roads.

Divided highway signs for all drivers

What Divided Highway Signs Mean. The Partitioned Highway Closed (A) is put in progress of the conclusion of a area of physically separated thruway (not an crossing point or intersection) as a caution of two-way activity ahead. You must keep to the correct and observe for oncoming activity.

Narrows road sign every driver need to know

What is narrows road sign? This activity sign cautions you that the street ahead isn’t as wide as the street you’re as of now traveling on.

Road rules for foreigner need to know

Moving to the United States, there will be those who want to travel by themselves by renting a car or can buy a car for themselves. However, the biggest barrier for many people is driving and understanding the road rules.