Crucial safe driving tips on high way
Expressways are defined as roads for high-speed traffic in both directions, mainly vehicles. Driving on the highway contains many dangers, requiring drivers to have very good driving skills.

There are many people who like the feeling of speeding on the highway because the roads are clear. However, there are many serious traffic accidents on the highway that happen every day, most of which is due to the driver’s lack of skills necessary to handle unexpected situations on highway. Since many vehicles are moving at a high speed, the danger properties are higher. Hopefully, crucial safe driving tips below will help you have safe trips.
1. Do not reduce brake suddenly when overtaking
The car is traveling on the highway and you want to pass the car ahead. At that time, remember that once you have passed this vehicle, you are absolutely not allowed to suddenly slow down or depress the brake pedal. Because there is a very high chance that the operator of the vehicle you have just passed will not slow down. Therefore, whether you suddenly slow down or brake again will cause the car earlier in a sudden situation. Unfortunate things can happen at any time. So, paying attention to the speed when passing on the highway will help you ensure the safety of your life and those around you.
2. Reduce speed in curves, crowded places
The highways also have curves or heavy traffic, such as stops. So, when coming to such roads, even if you are traveling in the lane you still need to slow down, because corners are blind corners and steering is more difficult, any surprises can happen at hot spots like that. Observe carefully and be prepared to handle dangerous unexpected situations.
3. Optimize vehicle visibility
Vehicles on highways connect more orderly when traveling in residential areas. So, adjust the outside rearview mirror so that when you turn left / right, the body of the car only accounts for about a fifth of the inside of the mirror. When sitting upright, almost no details on the body of the car appear in the mirror. This allows all blind spots to appear in the outside rear view mirror. The habit of keeping the body on the outside rearview mirror is essentially not going to help you on the highway.
Therefore, widen your view through the windshield of the car in front. At the same time, notice what goes on in front of the car ahead. Because those things are also in your vision and you lose nothing when you pay attention to that.
4. Crucial safe driving tips – Not suddenly changing lanes on highways
Cars circulating on the expressway all use a fairly high speed (60km/h, 80km/h, 120km/h, …). So when you suddenly change lanes, the car behind is more likely to the other lane will not keep up with your speed, or surprise the driver behind them and lose the steering wheel, leading to serious consequences.
There is one caveat you must be aware of: changing lanes is only allowed where signs permit or where marked lines allow lane changes. While changing lanes, turning on the turn signals to signal to the drivers ahead and behind is an indispensable factor. At the same time, continue to observe the speed of vehicles ahead and behind to keep a certain safe distance before changing lanes.
On the other hand, when changing lanes, you need to check the speed of the lane you intend to merge. The driver should reduce / accelerate accordingly before merging into the lane to ensure that the vehicles behind you can easily coordinate in case necessary.
5. Keep your distance from vehicles moving in the same direction
Not only on the highway, but any the driver need to pay attention to the distance between vehicles on the road. However, the reality shows that this is still one of the most common errors when traveling on highways by many drivers. Many accidents caused by not keeping distance.
Accordingly, tailgating is also a common situation in many roads. This is again one of the leading causes of serious accidents on highways worldwide. There are many cases of tailgating when the vehicle in front suddenly avoids an obstacle on the road, the driver behind the vehicle cannot react in time to the vehicle crashing into that obstacle. Take care to keep a safe distance between your vehicle and other vehicles on all routes.
6. Determine the location of stops, parking and comply with regulations
On the highway there are often stops for drivers of cars to rest or vehicles having trouble along the way and looking for help. When moving into these stops, you should pre-shape its position, then turn on your turn signal and gradually move into the most appropriate lane near the stop.
In the event of an emergency stop, remove the vehicle from the driveway. If you cannot do that, you must find a way to let other drivers know. A situation many people encounter is that when leaving the rest stop, just getting on the car, pressing the accelerator to enter the traffic lane without paying attention to what is behind. So, it lead to a sudden collision. Therefore, the best advice is that drivers should calmly look ahead and back, then turn on the lane entry signal, and then slowly enter the lane until vehicles come to recognize and give way.
7. Crucial safe driving tips – Moving too slowly is not safe
The principle of “slow but sure” cannot be applied to the expressway. You should know that the average speed on the highway is about 80 km / h, so it is dangerous to drive slower below that threshold if the car behind is not aware.

8. Always stay mentally focused and alert
Long journeys are almost fatal for car drivers. Not only back pain, fatigue, but sometimes you also lose sleep and easily lead to loss of consciousness. Therefore, minimize the performance of manipulations that interfere with driving while using a mobile phone, adjust the rearview mirror on the head, find lost items, adjust the air conditioner, turn on the volume control. … Because when driving at high speed, just a small mistake can lead to unpredictable consequences. In addition, you are not allowed to use sedating or sedating drugs to avoid accident risks.
9. Crucial safe driving tips – The issue of “personal needs”
The highway has stops and stations are far from each other. Drivers are not allowed to arbitrarily stop their cars in the middle of a highway just to address personal needs. Make sure you complete these tasks before you get in your car and control the steering wheel.
10. Fasten seat belts for all occupants
Seatbelts work as its name suggests. As a rule, when you are in a car and in traffic, whether in the front or rear seats, you need to wear your seat belt to ensure safety whether you drive on highways or urban roads, city roads. When traveling on highways, it is even more important to wear seat belts. This can prevent dangerous things and unfortunate consequences for people in the car when an unexpected accident occurs. Always make sure you are proactively protecting yourself and others.
In addition, wherever you go, on all your journeys you do not want to have car problems. Therefore, before moving into the expressway, the driver must carefully check technical issues. For example: oil, brake, cooling water, headlights, steering wheel, signal lights, gearbox … Especially, whether the tire has enough pressure according to regulations.
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