Winter driving tips every drivers need to know
Driving when winter comes is also a problem that many drivers are concerned about. The drivers need to master some of the following winter driving tips to always keep them safe for themselves and those around them.

‘How can I make it easier to start my car in the inclement weather of winter?” – that’s a question of many drivers. How to handle the car slipping due to slippery roads and what items do I need to bring to ensure traffic safety during low temperature days? Here are some essential winter driving tips that every driver need to prepare for safe trips.
1. Equip the right gadgets
Under the hood you have to make sure that the water to clean the glass, the engine coolant can work well in cold temperatures. Another note is that the car battery must always be in good condition because it will have to work harder to start the car in winter.
If traveling long distances you need to pay attention to small equipment such as flashlights, flares, phone chargers, shovels and other essential tools for emergency situations. One more thing, don’t forget to bring medicine, drinking water and a little extra food.
2. Get ready to start the car – essential winter driving tips
Before starting the car, go around to check if the exhaust is blocked or not. Be careful not to start your car in an enclosed area as there can be a lot of carbon monoxide poisoning.
To make the car warmer, you can clean it. This action will remove standing water, snow cover from the car doors. Also, it’s a good idea to clean the tires to make sure they don’t get snow or ice on the surface. In addition, the roof of the car also needs to be cleaned, otherwise snow or water can spill over the windshield when you brake, then obstructing your vision and causing danger.

Cold weather makes the battery easy to die and difficult to start the car. Batteries are built to withstand low temperatures, but sometimes too low temperatures cause the battery to die quickly. So careful drivers often buy a booster, which is actually a battery that is charged to prevent the car battery dying. If you do not have a booster, you can get another vehicle, or call a rescue service to power the battery.
The low temperature also makes it difficult for the engine to start. Today, many cars have a hot engine (block heater): when the car is parked overnight or for too long, heating the engine to the electric home network for about 4 hours before using the car.
3. Know your vehicle well – Winter driving safety
Knowing the capabilities of the vehicle you drive will help you gain more initiative. But don’t be too confident about your car when driving in inclement climates and weather. Even if your vehicle is a multi-terrain vehicle with all-wheel drive and the latest in assistive technology, does not mean it can be perfectly controlled.
4. Maintain a slow speed
Snow, fog, and rain reduce the grip of the tires, not to mention obstructing visibility. Therefore, driving at low speeds is a wise choice for better control.
5. Handling of car skid – check winter driving conditions
Most experts advise that, when the car slips on a straight road, do not try to brake immediately and wait for the car to slow down before pressing the brake. At the same time, to control this situation well, you need to practice first.
When it is snowing, it is possible to release air in car tires. Therefore, the contact area between the wheel and the road surface is larger and has certain anti-slip effect. Especially, driving in the snow, drivers need to pay attention to keep their hands and feet warm.
For rainy or snowy conditions, keep your headlights in low beam with the fog lights. In addition, to be more careful, you can stick with reflective decals on the front, back and sides of the body.
6. Respond when the car is jammed
You can exit the situation without having to leave the vehicle by trying to back up and move forward slowly. The vehicle’s swaying movements may be sufficient for the vehicle to get out of the jammed roadway. Be careful not to turn the wheel, as doing so will cause the car to fall deeper. If this does not save your vehicle, you can use a shovel to clear the road or use sand to help keep the tires straight.
When you have run out of tips and your vehicle is still stuck, you should consider calling for an ambulance immediately.
7. Air conditioning system
The coolant contains a lubricant that keeps the rubber liners and piping in good working order. So, not using the car air conditioner for a long time means the coolant won’t move around and the lubricants won’t work on the rubber parts either. As a result, leaky rubber seals drain the coolant, leading to more frequent changes in air pressure. Moreover, in particularly bad cases, the systems will no longer be able to hold air and need to the rubber lining must be replaced.
In the winter, the appropriate operation of the air conditioning mode ensures both the health of the user and helps to save fuel while operating. The recommended temperature range in the car is 25-26 degrees Celsius. Habits like opening the windows can increase wind resistance, causing fuel consumption.
8. Heating maintenance
In fact, the heating system in the car used in winter is just as important as the use of air conditioning in the summer. Therefore, you need to pay attention to maintaining the heating system, ensuring the comfort of driving.
For proper maintenance, you should bring your car to a professional garage to conduct a check on the operating status of the fan and the smoothness of the duct in the car’s heating system.
9. Don’t go when it’s not needed
The last thing to note is that you should not go out into the street in adverse weather if you do not have to.
In winter, when it is cold, the mist caused by steam or mist can form on the glass of the car, affecting visibility while driving. Therefore, it is extremely important to have handling experience to ensure safety that every car driver should pay special attention to this time.
Above are the sharing of how to handle – driving experience in winter for those who regularly use a car. With these experiences will give you the best view when driving, wishing you safe driving