Driving safety tips every driver need to know

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Driving safety tips every driver need to know

Driving a car requires skills, calmness and practical experience. How to ensure safety while driving? Here are 8 basic driving safely tips to help you drive safer in traffic.

Car driving is a job that requires high concentration and good health, especially for long distance drivers. Driving requires specialized skills, calmness and practical experience in the course of your job. Knowing your car is not enough for handling a car. Here’s a list of all basic car driving safety tips and techniques for beginners, as well as experienced drivers that you might need.

1. Controlling speed

As you all know, most traffic violations are for speeding, and speeding often causes traffic accidents. That is reason why it’s very crucial to help drivers develop their skills to make good decisions about controlling speed in different situations. Controlling car speed is actually a skill using: clutch, gas, gear and brake properly so that the car can run fast and slow to suit the needs of the operator and the conditions of the road. If the driver of a vehicle wants to be proactive in all unexpected situations that may suddenly occur on the road, he / she must always be able to control the vehicle speed.

Controlling speed

Speed control is entirely dependent on the driver’s ability to observe, high concentration, level of judgment and handling techniques. Speed control will make driving safer and limit accidents. Actually, it is not difficult to be able to master the speed of the car while traveling on the road. Drivers just keep in mind that you have plenty of time to complete your trip, it will help you drive calmly and carefully. You can also use Cruise Control, that is automatically control the speed in your car without keeping your foot on the accelerator.

2. Overtaking a car

One of the skills most people lack is overtaking vehicles. This is one of the most difficult and complex skills, requires a lot of experience, but the driving courses are skipped or the training is quite sketchy. This leads to many unfortunate accidents in the future, when drivers are faced with real situations on the road.

Overtaking a car

Ideally, you should drive the right part of your road and do not pass carelessly. If you want to overtake other vehicles, you must observe the distance ahead to see if there is enough space to pass.

3. Safety distance while driving

Safety distance while driving

Keeping a safe distance from the vehicle in front is very important, it is a reasonable space and time to handle the situation that occurs while in traffic to ensure traffic safety to avoid unwanted collision.

You should keep a distance of 2 to 4 seconds from the vehicle in front. If you are driving at a speed of 50km / h with this time, the car will keep a distance of 14 to 28m, enough time and space to handle the situation ahead.

The most popular tip for keeping a safe distance, avoiding collisions is to use the 3 second rule. 3 seconds is the time it takes for the driver to stop safely after applying the brakes, even if it is braking. This 3-second figure is the result of a research based on the combined calculation of the driver’s reflex speed, the car’s inertia after braking so that the car can stop completely without a collision.

4. Driving safety tip – Find the best seating position for you

Adjusting the correct driving position is one of the first driving safety tips you need to know. For experienced drivers, having a little time to adjust the driver’s seat, steering wheel … has become an immutable principle when putting yourself in the driver’s seat.

Find the best seating position for you

However, in reality, many drivers, especially newcomers, often perform these steps through loudspeaker and do not even know how to adjust to create the most suitable driving position.

In addition to the mechanical adjustment, the electric driver’s seat function is now popularly available on all models to make it easier to adjust the sitting posture. When you put yourself in a few driver’s seats, you should sit upright, making sure your buttocks, back are square and always lean on the seat. This will help you avoid back pain and maintain comfort during the drive.

5. Pay attention to unexpected dangers

When driving, you should have a comprehensive view of the space ahead and around. There should be an observation distance of about 15 seconds to have enough time and space to handle when something unexpected occurs.

Pay attention to unexpected dangers

Situations such as small children crossing the street, animals walking on the road or having a sudden car in the exit intersection, sudden crossing of a vehicle cause you to not be able to handle it if you do not focus and observe well. In densely populated places, pay attention to signs when in traffic to be better prepared to enter these roads.

6. One of the most driving safety tips – always turn signals when changing lanes

When traveling on the road, if you want to turn left or change lanes, you should turn the signal about 30m ahead so that everyone around you can see the signal and give way. Turn signals should be used in all situations even when the road is only a right turn protect yourself and avoid endanger the people behind.

Driving is an art and requires many important skills. Remember the rules of safe driving, hope it will help you drive safer and better on all roads.The following article will outline the principles to help you drive safer in traffic on the street.

7. Release the handbrake before you start rolling

Forgetting the handbrake or not fully lowering the handbrake when the vehicle stops or park is extremely dangerous. When the gear lever has not returned to N or the vehicle stops on steep terrain, it will easily drift. There are many cases when the car is drifting, the driver rushes into the cabin to step on the brake, but depresses the wrong pedal.

Release the handbrake before you start rolling

Although the manual brake is used less often than the main brake and foot brake, when in use, the brake system works for a few hours, sometimes even days or months. Therefore, you should practice creating a habit when parking your car to pull the handbrake while when the car is moving. Especially, checking the tablo to make sure you have lowered the hand brake.

The handbrake system is designed independently of the other brake system. This system can be used to assist the foot brake when the foot brake is faulty. However, in essence, the handbrake is designed to brake the wheels when the vehicle is at rest, not to slow down. Therefore, if the driver uses the handbrake system to slow down, it will be extremely dangerous.

Most drivers know about these basic driving safety tips above, however not everyone of us remembers to use these tips. If drivers obey the rules, everyone will be safe.

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